Thursday, August 15, 2013

My Speech on 67 th Independence Day celebrated in CMR Group of Institutions

                  Honourable Chief Guest of the day,  distinguished guests for the occasion, co-faculty members, parents and all my dear friends and students. It is my privilege to talk  on this golden day of Indian history which is the result of sacrifices of thousands of people. I would like to discuss some achievements in these 66 years of Independence and the challenges before India which is the largest democratic country in the world and we very happy  that India crossed many milestones after independence and achieved many things in different areas.

                        India is able to withstand attacks on democracy and successful in saving it for 66 years. In  agriculture achieved self sufficiency by Green Revolution and white revolution, India is one of the country having high GDP growth rate and in  the area of Engineering and Technology it has contributed to the development of the country in preparing advanced missile system, Launch vehicle Technology,  IT services  ,nuclear technology etc.

The challenges that today India facing are food security, internal security, external security, energy security, and women security. Internal security , in the form of terrorism and rise of naxalism due to socio-economic problems of the people. External security threats from our neighbouring countries Pakistan and China. Energy Security as India is not self sufficient in power which is the most important factor for the development and even recent nuclear agreement will not solve the energy problems of country completely and along with that  economic recession, corruption , poverty  and illiteracy rate are some of the challenges before India to face and  become super power. Last but important is Women Security this aspect arises when the incidents like Delhi happens in the country and to make India where women are well respected and protected.  I feel we the people of India need one more Independence struggle to weed out all the diseases suffering our society.

             In this context I would like mention that the ideas of our freedom fighters relevant not only for India but also to the world .Today Gandhian philosophy that is , Non- violence is more relevant in maintaining the global peace considering nuclear world order and the courage and braveness of Sardar Vallabhai Patel and Subash Chandra Bose required to fight against the terrorism. The courage of Bagath Singh more relevant for young India who sacrificed his life for the country at an early age and we needs to get inspiration from Bagath Singh and get ready for the sacrifices for the country and for the world peace.

             In addressing all these issue Engineers has to play a greater role and strive for the betterment of the people and make the growth as inclusive growth and every engineer has to bring  out his leadership skills in order move the  people of India to think towards the idea of  Gross Domestic Happiness rather than Gross Domestic Product and involving  ourselves in   building healthy India by which  young India  can become  Global Super Power along with by fighting for our fundamental rights and respecting our fundamental duties enshrined in our Constitution.

“Mahatma Gandhi had advised us to avoid and I quote, “politics without principles, wealth without work,  pleasure without conscience, knowledge without character, commerce without morality, science without humanity and worship without sacrifice”
Jai Hind..