Tuesday, September 21, 2010

How to Find Right Blogs

There are several search engines like Technocrati,BlogPulse and Blogcatalog but spotting the right blogs related to a specific topic  remains difficult.The new feature introduced by Google in its blog search.and it has introduced a feature called "Homepages" meant for helping us easily find blogs related to required topic.Blog search feature by google helps us to find the relevant topic 


  1. Hi narenderreddy, I am Shahzad from technologyedition.blogspot.com

    Your blog has listed a lot of mini-projects; which project will you select as the best mini-project? I am thinking to write a new link post on "Best engg.projects ever" in my blog.So that I can give link to that post that you think the best mini-project.

    Waiting for your reply,
    Shahzad Saeed
    mail: ibnusaheed@gmail.com

  2. sorry yaar currently busy with my work so could not write ... bye thank you
